Monday, April 12, 2010

April 11 2010

Fantastic coffee at the Habana Cafe, this coffee is more rum than coffee! Is enough to get out and find cockroaches

As I was walking out of the Habana Cafe I ran into this really fat creature, is known as Mexican cucaracha and this one will be dead for a long time!

Here in Mexico when they make a repair on the streets they just pour the concrete and that’s that, they don’t flatten or texturize or nothing, they just leave thick ugly clumps of concrete patching the ground!

In these 2 photos you can appreciate the absurd of media playing in the bus, obviously this was a very expensive project to have streming access to the buses to provide with entretainment while you ride! But sadly the speakers are either busted or they just put all the volume down so what is the benefit of having music shows without music? Really thumbs down on this one!

Here we have Cristopher Columbus bitching about something to do with McDonald’s

Here we can see the statue of Cuauhtemoc and farther behind that of the Independence Angel, quite beautiful city.

This is a georgeous building converted into a cheap restaurante called Toks, it used to be the Italian embassy.

Here we have the San Carlos museum, is a marvel and has millions of dollars on art, bad security didn’t prevent a guy years ago to snatch several master pieces by cuting them off from the frame and rolling them onto the richest taco ever!!! leaving the premises without problem by climbing down the facade! Also took a brass from the very August Rodin!!!

Nohting needs to be done at the Monumento de la Revolucion, still some “compadrazgos” or other powers allow for someone to do all this work for personal benefit, no proof but I bet that is the case.